10 Top Rated Muslim Law Lawyers in India near you

Are you in need of legal aid for Muslim succession? Nikah and Mehr in marriage contract? Adoption and divorce under Shariat? Look no further, we have got the right people for you to consult from.

What is a Muslim Law Advocate?

A Muslim Law advocate specializes in Muslim Personal Law in India. He has expertise in Shariat and the other sources of laws for people belonging to the Muslim Community.

What can a Muslim Law Advocate do?

A well reputed and experienced Muslim Law advocate will resolve all your issues ranging from talaq, wakaf property, adoption, inheritance and so on.

What is Muslim Law in India?

In India, the broad term Muslim law is applicable to the personal matters concerning that component of the Indian society which is composed of people following the faith of Islam. Therefore, the Muslim personal law administers the institutions of adoption, charity, gifts, mehr, nikah-marriage, property succession etc. in the Islamic community of India.

Though Islam is a popular and recognized monolithic religion, the divisions and difference of opinions do exist on the grounds of several sub sect customs and practices. The most widely recognized of such a distinction is between the Schools of Shia and Sunni. Correspondingly, the Islamic law as practiced in these communities exhibits subtle variations.

Sunni School

There are four governing bodies for Islamic law for Muslims as per the Sunni School of thought which are as follows:

  • ~The Quran
  • ~Haadis or Sunnat
  • ~Ijma
  • ~Qiyas

Shia School

In the Shia school, the governing bodies of law which administer Muslims are The Quran, Hadith and the dictums of Imams. They do not agree with the Sunni school of thought of considering Quiyas as an authentic source of law and regulations. And besides the Shias do not support the Haadis verses which have originated from the family households not related by blood to the messenger Prophet Muhammed himself. Thus, they only adhere to compilations of the likes such as; AL-Kafi, and Tahdhib -UL-Abham as most genuine of all collections.

Muslim Personal Laws in India

Wakaf Acts; Concerning Property

The category of laws which can be termed as Muslim laws has a history which began during the time of The British Raj. Prominent legislation that had been thus passed was The Mussalman Wakaf Act governing a colossal amount of rules and regulations relating to the administration of Wakaf properties.

The Shariat Act lays the ground that in a case where both the groups are Muslims by faith then the rule for decision shall be Muslim Law if the case involves any of the following matters:

  • ~Intestate succession
  • ~A special property of the females
  • ~Marriage
  • ~Dissolution of marriage
  • ~Maintenance
  • ~Dower
  • ~Guardianship
  • ~Gift
  • ~Trust and trust properties,
  • ~Wakf

Muslim Marriage Dissolution Act

Section 2 of the Act provides that any woman married under the Muslim law to obtain a proclamation of dissolution on variety of grounds on the side of her lawful husband such as cruelty, lack of correspondence, neglect, he is convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 7 years or more, he fails to perform marital obligations for a period more than 3 years, insanity/mental disability for a period exceeding 2 years or in case marriage solemnized when she was minor (below 15).

Maintenance for Wife

Under The Muslim law in practice in India, maintenance is termed as ‘Nafqah’. ‘Nafqah’ is the sum of money which a man spends on his family. The right to maintenance of a Muslim woman is absolute as well as unconditional it does not matter whether she can maintain herself or not.

Who is affected Under Muslim Law?

The Muslim Personal Laws governs all the Muslims residing in India.

Why do you need a Muslim Law Advocate?

A qualified Muslim Law Advocate will divide your property whenever claimed or challenged in ad, he adherence with the Shariat, aid in transfer of your property in accordance with succession under Islam, marriage, divorce, polygamy, adoption, charity, he will make sure you get hold of your rightful documents and papers.

How do I hire a Muslim Law Advocate?

In the digital world you can buy/rent/hire almost anything and anyone. Hiring an Advocate near you is tedious to just think about. Where to begin where to stop, networks, reviews etc. At Vkeel, we solve this problem and make the best, highly rated Muslim Law Advocates near you accessible at the tip of your touch. So fret not!

Why Vkeel?

Vkeel has shortlisted one of the best established Muslim Law advocates/lawyers to consult from for all issues ranging from transfer of property to Nikah, and Talaq. Muslim Family Law can be quite complicated, tedious and also time consuming. Our lawyers understand the importance of effective legal strategy and will design the most efficient plan for your suit.

    Perks of Using Vkeel
  • Expert & experienced Advocates
  • Instant Access to Consultation
  • One to One Consultation
  • Cost Effective/Affordable
  • Plethora of options
  • Confidential and Reputed
  • Varied legal services- documents, drafting, notices etc.

Advocate Amrut Vishwas Tigade

Mumbai, Maharashtra
  1 Client Ratings

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Speaks: English, Hindi, Marathi
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Komal Tyagi Advocate

New Delhi, Delhi

Criminal law Family Sexual +28 More
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Speaks: Hindi, English
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Advocate Javed R Patel

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Criminal Civil Arbitration +9 More
  • Experience 19+ Yrs
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Speaks: English,Marathi,Hindi
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Advocate Shunmugaraja

Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu
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Speaks: Tamil,English,Malayalam,Hindi
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Advocate Darshan Maurya

Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh

Civil law Criminal law Family law +115 More
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Speaks: Hindi,English,Urdu
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Advocate Rahul Sachdeva

Chandigarh, Chandigarh

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Speaks: English, Hindi, Punjabi
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Ashok Gupta

Delhi, Delhi

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Supreme Court Civil Criminal +28 More
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Advocate S A H Zaidi

Mira Bhayandar, Maharashtra

Criminal law Cyber Crime law Civil law +22 More
  • Experience 7+ Yrs
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Speaks: English,Marathi,Hindi,Urdu
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Yogendra Singh

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Criminal law Company or corporations law Alternative dispute resolution +40 More
  • Experience 7+ Yrs
  • Answers 11
Speaks: English, Hindi, Marathi
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