How To Get Free Legal Advice Online? | Step-By-Step Guide
By Advocate Anup Dhannawat
Are you searching for free legal advice online? If yes, then you are at the right place. Here, you will get the most up-to-date legal information on legal issues and laws.
When you go through this article then you will find useful and easy to understand information that might help you to solve your issue.
The law is difficult. Analyzing it with some legal background could be challenging when looking for solutions and tips. You will get general information in this article regarding law and legal issues.
What Is The legal advice?
Legal advice is formal or professional advice regarding the procedure of the law in relation to specific situations.
The provision of legal advice will include analyzing the set of facts and advising a person to take a particular based on law. It is given in exchange for financial compensation. But, advice given without remuneration is known as free legal advice.
Legal aid doesn’t constitute advice from family or friends. Genuine legal advice forms an agreement between a licensed lawyer and his client based on specific legal matters which the client is facing.
Free legal advice mainly refers to the written or oral counsel about a legal matter which would affect the responsibilities and rights of the person receiving the advice.
It needs careful analysis of the law as it applies to the person’s specific situation.
The characteristics of legal advice include:-
- Needs legal knowledge, skill, and education
- Applies specific law to a specific set of circumstances
- Creates rights and responsibilities in the advice
- Affects someone’s legal responsibilities and rights

Can I Get Free Legal Advice Online?
Yes sure, you can get free legal advice online. As the law is complex, we make it easy and fast to get an answer from a real online lawyer.
You can query your legal question in detail and get advice from a lawyer who specializes in your issue. Your issue will be resolved online.
You can get free legal aid with confidence. We will keep your information safe and authentic. We ensure that you will get the proper guidance regarding your issue.

How can I find a good lawyer in India?
Some people prefer to choose lawyers from referrals. But, it is not the right way to choose a lawyer. Basically, everyone’s legal issue is unique and different.
So, it is quite complex to find a good lawyer. There are numerous corporate lawyers in India, you just need to choose the good one for your case.
Let’s discuss the factors to be considered to find a good lawyer in India:-
- Area specialization: Most of the lawyers, lean-to practice in one or two particular areas and they are really good at those fields. However, there is a generalist, a legal advisor with in-depth knowledge in a particular domain that is developed over a period of time. So, while the government advocates, you must know the specialization of lawyers.
- Courts of practice: Normally, lawyers practice at one, two or three courts. This would be a combination of the district, session, and High court. You know where your case is to be filed and where the practice of lawyer is important.
- Experience: the number of years a lawyer spends increases his capabilities. Lawyers who have a successful track record can apprehend common pitfalls and prepare a qualified response. Moreover, experienced lawyers understand your case and also prepare for contingencies. They will give their best efforts and give a favorable outcome.
- Ratings and reviews: know Whether a lawyer is considered to be competent and have impeccability is an important factor in handing over your lawsuit to him. Ratings and customer reviews are an indication.
- Ask legal questions: Asking two or more legal questions to the professional may be a good idea to validate their knowledge base. Moreover, an online lawyer who answers a particular question indicates the depth and extent of his legal knowledge.
- Location: a lawyer near you would be more helpful than one who is far away from you. Divorce a lawyer in India might be more helpful for you.
Finding a good lawyer in India would be more challenging. If the above factors are considered then you are able to find the best corporate lawyers in India. You can do proper analysis and come to a conclusion.

The information provided in the article is for general informational purposes only, and is not intended to constitute legal advice or to be relied upon as a substitute for legal advice. Furthermore, any information contained in the article is not guaranteed to be current, complete or accurate. If you require legal advice or representation, you should contact an attorney or law firm directly. We are not responsible for any damages resulting from any reliance on the content of this website.