
Asked in Banking

  • Sandeep Kumar


Expert's Answers(4)

  • Advocate Hiren Brahmbhatt

    Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    If account has no balance then bank will issue Memo against bank account. with insufficient funds. You will only get balance when you filled cheque return case with sufficient evidence.

    May 29, 2021
  • Advocate Ankur Goel

    Bangalore, Karnataka
      7 Client Ratings

    Once cheque will bounce by insufficient balance then bank will give you memo of cheque bounce. Take this memo and meet lawyer who will send notice within 30 days (1 day delay is also not acceptable) If that person dont give money after notice then cheque bounce (criminal) case have to be filed on account holder.

    May 28, 2021
  • Kishan Retired Judge ( Advocate)

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      184 Client Ratings

    Dear Sir You have to file cheque bounce case under section 138 of negotiable instrument act and you cannot get balance found in the account if it is less than cheque amount.

    May 28, 2021
  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      66 Client Ratings

    Hi, If you deposit the cheque to get it cleared and it was dishonored by the bank then you can go for cheque dishonor case to recover the loan amount from the other person. The cheque dishonor case can only be filed if the cheque was issued towards an existing financial liability or debt. If you like my answer, please rate me.

    May 28, 2021