Can I Claim That Business.

Asked in Business

  • Subrat Kumar Dash


Expert's Answers(3)

  • Advocate N Karthikkanna

    Madurai, Tamil Nadu
      60 Client Ratings

    Unless u gain pecuniary advantage by Misrepresenting u as the older one and if the client gets affected by your lack of performance and claims that only on the fake belief you have claimed, he approached you and get affected then he can sue on you for damage (civil case).. There are chances that old company can file criminal case if you affects their current business or reputation.. Don't worry, you got a lucky opportunity.. Make use of it and face any thing later.. nothing worse will happen.. You can manage any consequences.. Business tactics will always have risks and compromises.. for further assistance plz book for consultation..

    January 4, 2020
  • As you are aware of the facts, that the previous business is not yours and further knowingly you want to misguide. In other words it is illegal and immoral.

    December 27, 2019