When Police Create Panchanama (पंचनामा )

Asked in Criminal

  • Jogi


Expert's Answers(4)

  • Advocate Shaikh Irfan Khamar

    Latur, Maharashtra
      2 Client Ratings

    Dear client mere not preparing panchanama is no ground for quashing of FIR. when charge is groundless then to quash FIR petition before High court is maintainable. if answer is good then please folow me give ranking

    June 26, 2020
  • xxxxx cxxxxx

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      184 Client Ratings

    It is very difficult to quash FIR. The investigation is proper just cooperate with police.

    June 24, 2020
  • Advocate Mohit Adarsh

    New Delhi, Delhi
      5 Client Ratings

    Dear Jogi, The 'Panchnama' is a document in which police record statement of witness/complainant and the same is prepared during investigation. After completion of investigation police file charge sheet/challan before court. Police can also record statement of any person including accused and statement can also be recorded before magistrate before commencement of trial. Don't worry you will be provided for every documents pertaining to your case. FIR can be quashed on various grounds depends upon severity of crime committed. For getting further knowledge kindly contact me.

    June 24, 2020
  • Advocate Ashwani Sapra

    Ludhiana, Punjab

    depends Upon which act and ipc the fir was furnished.

    June 24, 2020