Passport When Case Is Pending

Asked in Cyber Crime

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Expert's Answers(5)

  • Kishan Retired Judge ( Advocate)

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      184 Client Ratings

    For better solution approach experienced advocate and try to solve the issue as early as possible.

    November 12, 2017
  • if you have not mentioned in your passport form that there is criminal case pending, in future once they get to know this they may revoke your passport

    November 9, 2017
  • Advocate Giss Antony

    NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh

    he can be arrested without warrant.

    November 9, 2017
  • Advocate Rajneesh Kumar

    Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh

    passport was not given when criminal proceeding is held

    November 9, 2017
  • A G Syam kumar

    Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

    problem would arise only at the instanace of producing false affidavit declarung that no criminal case is pending aga ist the person who desires to applu for the issuance of passport

    November 9, 2017