OCI Card Application For Minor Without Father Signature

Asked in Immigration

  • Rani


Expert's Answers(9)

  • Advocate M M Uddin

    Hyderabad, Telangana
      1 Client Ratings

    take Permission from High Court Hyderabad , I am High Court Advocate,Hyderabad. full details what's up 7794099557

    August 1, 2017
  • Where are you located.

    July 31, 2017
  • If I am not wrong, your child being a US citizen and poi, you need to inform the DSP/and/or the Police station regarding your stay. You don't need any permission to stay. Since you are the mother and natural guardian you don't need any other documents except your passport. For further assistance you should contact the American embassy or the nearest Charge d affairs.

    July 31, 2017
  • Give full details of the problem

    July 31, 2017