Asked in Labour and Service
yes you can call 7508088569 with complete case history
apologise to her that it was not intentional. but don't give apology in written otherwise she can use it as evidence. try to settle the matter . still matter doesn't settle then give resignation with apology.
maybe you will suffer case on sexual harassment
You are in serious trouble. You can be dismissed summarily. Best option is to tender unconditional apologies and seek pardon with an assurance that you will be careful in future. Still if the matter escalates, you offer to resign. If the matter goes further, there will be an enquiry and you will be dismissed. You will not be eligible for another job. Your reputation will be jeopardized as you will carry the tag of immorality always. If you resign you can find another job easily.
according Central act /Labour Act ur not eligible for teremenation file 2 A 2 Petition in Industrial Labour Court Give detal for free what's up no 7794099557
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