Rent Agreement

Asked in Landlord or Tenant

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Expert's Answers(2)

  • Advocate Abhimanyu Gurawalia

    Patli Hajipur, Haryana
      60 Client Ratings

    if you are not having any document for rent then he can ask you to leave the shop it will better to get the matter settle mutually

    August 21, 2020
  • Advocate J L Naagar

    Jalandhar, Punjab
      169 Client Ratings

    It is your duty to pay the rent for the premises. If the landlord is not accepting try to pay the same through Money Order specifically in his name. Well, if he accepts, otherwise it will create an evidence in your favour. And will be helpful if he launches some legal proceedings in the court. You also have an option to send a legal notice, if the landlord refuses to accept the rent which will clear your intentions. Contact me, follow me after reviewing my resume, if any further explanation or discussion is needed.

    July 12, 2020