Sec-3 Of BNS,2023

By Himanshu Kumar


Sec-3 of BNS, 2023 specifically talks about the ‘General Explanation’ entirely. It has nine Sub sections which describe various aspect of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita.

This section includes definition and interpretation which is crucial for the application of law. It has marked the significant development in legal landscape. It also plays a crucial role in establishing a uniformity in the application of law and offers clarity on terms that are used throughout the statue.

Overview of Section:03

Sec-3 of BNS ,2023,outlines the ‘General Explanations’ that apply to the statue. This section is critical as it defines essential terms, clarifies the scope of application and addresses the framework under which laws are to be interpreted.

General explanations include definitions and principles that help in determining the true meaning of provisions , including how certain terms should be interpreted in specific legal contexts. This ensures consistency and uniformity across the judicial interpretation of the law.

Main points covered under Section 3 include:

Definition of Common Terms: These include the meanings of words such as “man”, “woman”, “person” , “offense” and others. The definitions help to ensure that these terms are interpreted consistently throughout the statute.

Interpretation of Certain Legal Provisions: This section provide guidance on how provisions in the law should be interpreted , specifically in situations where terms might otherwise be ambiguous or unclear.

Application Across Jurisdictions: The General Explanations often clarify whether a particular provision is applicable to the entirety of India, across state boundaries or in specific cases provide guidance on extraterritorial application.

Clarification on Gender, Time and Place : This section elaborates on how the law interprets references to gender, time periods or locations which are integral in judicial proceedings.

Importance of ‘General Explanations’

The importance of General explanation can’t be neglected , as it serves multiple purposes:

Uniformity in Interpretation: Legal definitions and principles offer consistency in how different terms and provisions are understood , reducing the possibility of misinterpretation.

Guidance to Judiciary: Courts rely on these explanations when interpreting the law. It ensures that decisions are made based on a uniform understanding of legal terminology.

Application in Specific Cases: General Explanations often provide the foundation for how the law is applied in specific contexts , ensuring that there is no ambiguity or inconsistency in its enforcement.

Hypothetical Case law

Although the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 is relatively new, its General Explanations have been invoked in various cases to address ambiguities or provide clarity.

Here are Hypothetical Case Laws :

Case Law(1)

Facts: The accused was charged with committing a crime under a provision of BNS,2023. The issue that arose in this case was the interpretation of the term “person” as defined under Section 3. The defense argued that a corporate entity could not be held liable under the specific provision. as it was meant only for individuals.

Judgement: The court relying on the General Explanations under Section 3, held that the term “person” includes not just natural persons but also corporate entities. Therefore, the accused corporation could be held liable for the crime. The court further emphasized that the law was meant to ensure that both individuals and entities are accountable under its provisions, and the general explanation provided a clear and consistent interpretation of the term.

Case Law(2)

Facts: In this case, the central issue was the interpretation of the term “woman” under Section 3. The defendant argued that certain protections under the law applied exclusively to women in traditional gender roles, excluding transgender women.

Judgment: The court held that the General Explanations of Section 3 explicitly state that the term “woman” includes transgender women. This decision was a landmark ruling as it set a precedent for interpreting gender-related provisions under the BNS,2023 as inclusive of non-binary and transgender persons. The court stressed that the General Explanations promote inclusivity and ensure that the law adapts to modern gender understandings.

FAQs on Section 3 of BNS,2023

Q.1 What is the purpose of the General Explanations under Section 3 of the BNS,2023?

Ans. The General Explanations in Section 3 serve as a guide for interpreting various terms and provisions of the BNS. These explanations ensure that the law is applied consistently across different cases by providing clear definitions and clarification on commonly used legal terms.

Q.2 Can the General Explanations in Section 3 affect the interpretation of specific criminal offenses ?

Ans. Yes, the General Explanations play a significant role in the interpretation of specific criminal offenses . For example, terms such as “person”, “man”, “woman”, and “offense” are defined in Section 3.

These definitions are crucial in determining who can be held liable under various provisions of the BNS and how certain crimes are categorized.


Sec 3 of the BNS,2023 is essential for ensuring that the law is consistently and uniformity interpreted across different cases. The definitions and explanations provided in this section are not just a formality; they offer clarity and precision to legal language , which is vital for the application of justice. Through the use of clear definitions , section 3 ensures that terms like “person”, “man”, and “woman” are interpreted in a way that reflects modern realities, including the recognition of corporate entities and transgender individuals also,

This section act as a foundational tool that helps both legal practitioners and the judiciary to navigate the complexities of the law, making it a crucial part of the statue. As India moves forward with amore inclusive and progressive legal system, the General Explanations in Section 3 will continue to be pivotal in ensuring justice is served fairly and consistently.


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