Detail of Experience : - I have been working as Advocate since 2005 in District $ session Courts Narnaul, In this period I gained considerable Experience in the field of MACT, N.I.Act , NDPS, corporate, Labour, industrial, Revenue, civil services, civil, criminal, Family law, Business law, special laws, Conumer Redressal, dispute resolution and arbitration etc. Experience in govt Organisation :- I have been also warking as Panel Advocate of Dakshini Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Narnaul as well as Haffed ,Narnaul and sarva Haryana gramin bank, District Mahendergarh . I have also done work of Municipal Council, Narnaul and Municipal Committee Ateli Mandi , District Mahendergarh as A Sucessful Legal Advisor.
- English,Hindi,Punjabi
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