Cheque No In Sale Deed

Asked in Civil

  • Ibrahim Khan


Expert's Answers(3)

  • Advocate Yogesh Navmahalkar

    Jalna, Maharashtra
      19 Client Ratings

    Issue him notice through lawyer and File suit for specific performance of contract as well as you can File cheque bounce case against him in court through lawyer.

    March 10, 2024
  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      65 Client Ratings

    It's possible that an application under Order 12 Rule 6 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) could be filed based on the fact that the entire consideration check numbers are written in the plaint, but several factors need to be considered: Nature of Admission: The information revealed in the check numbers must constitute a clear and unambiguous admission of a fact relevant to the case. Just mentioning the check numbers alone might not be enough. The numbers need to be accompanied by details like the date, payee, and amount, and these details must be admitted by the opposing party to be considered under Order 12 Rule 6.Impact on Case: The admitted fact must be material to the case and have a significant impact on the outcome. If the check numbers don't directly address the core issue of the dispute, they might not be sufficient for a successful application under Order 12 Rule 6.Court Discretion: Ultimately, the court has the discretion to decide whether the admission is sufficient to grant judgment based on Order 12 Rule 6. This decision is based on the specific facts and context of the case. It's important to remember that legal matters are complex, and this response should not be taken as legal advice. If you're considering filing an application under Order 12 Rule 6, it's highly recommended to consult with a qualified legal professional who can assess your specific situation and advise you on the best course of action. They can analyze the details of your case, the nature of the admission, and the relevant legal precedents to determine the viability of your application.

    March 4, 2024
  • Adv Mukul Kumar Singh

    Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
      4 Client Ratings

    Depends upon discretionary power exercised by Court.

    February 29, 2024