Asked in Communications

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Expert's Answers(4)

  • Advocate N Karthikkanna

    Madurai, Tamil Nadu
      59 Client Ratings

    for further assistance come for consultation.. See 'ADVOCATES' Tab, find me now in 2nd of list and click consultation tab.. Very affordable fees..

    February 7, 2018
  • Advocate N Karthikkanna

    Madurai, Tamil Nadu
      59 Client Ratings

    It depends on the prayer.. but mostly when u r other party than current owner than you have to pay court fee.. there are some way to waiver, if it applies to u.. ask ur lawyer..

    February 7, 2018
  • Advocate Viswanadham

    Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh
      1 Client Ratings

    you have to pay

    January 26, 2018
  • Advocate Krishnan Balakrishnan Nair

    Pune, Maharashtra
      1 Client Ratings


    January 26, 2018