Asked in Documentation
You have to obtain a declaration from the Civil Court by filing a Suit for Declaration Seeking direction from the court for the required Relief.. Please give me Rank Five and follow me after reviewing my resume and book a consultation for further discussion and explanation if required.
Dear Sir, It is a repeated question.
You are from Rajsthan, I presume. Every state have different Laws with Regard to change name in Birth Certificate and Passport and etc.. you need to swear an Affidavit with Notrary Public and get the same Notified in leading Newspapers. Then take publish Newspaper along with Notraized Affidavit to Gazette office in Rajsthan state to get it printed . Based on Gazette Notification you can get the name changed. In Karnataka you need to file a Declaration suit in District Court. Contact any Advocates in this Forum for your relief.
Hi, No, the place of birth cannot be changed, unless there is a factual error. Even if you renounce your Indian citizenship, your place of birth will remain the same. If you found this helpful, please rate us.
Dear Sir, You have to file a declaration suit against concerned authorities and get it changed. Please give me rank after viewing my details. Please call me for further assistance.
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