Asked in Environmental
absenteeism case in first company give show cause notice.
if you've registration in esi and pf department then sent them notice for one week after that you can fire them.otherwise you have the reason to fire them without notice.
dismiss them from job and appoint who need the job
So u can fire them any time or without any notice
If you have appointed them by issuing offer letters follow the clauses in the same. Issue a show cause notice, take their explanation, conduct enquiries through an enquiry officer and terminate them. These are all necessary only if ID Act is applicable.
as per labour laws if he is a permanent employee he is entitled to obtain leave s to some extent if he exceeds the permitted leaves then loss of pay applies no work no pay
And what are your appointment agreement details
just give them written notice whatever time period agreed and if still it continues u can fire them. hope u maintain attendance register
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