Dowry Harressmant Husband And Mother In Law

Asked in Family

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Expert's Answers(4)

  • Advocate Anbu R

    Perambalur, Tamil Nadu

    Maintenance ok

    May 22, 2023
  • Advocate Jitender Singh

    New Delhi, Delhi
      17 Client Ratings

    If the behaviour of your husband is intolerable towards you then you can always serve him a legal notice regarding your thoughts of not living with him anymore. You can anytime send a complaint regarding your grievances in writing to the CAW cell of your area. You can also file a petition under Domestic Violence Act for the physical and emotional tortures you have suffered and claim the monthly maintenance for yourself as well as for your daughters. And if there's no scope of living together then rather stretching the relationship you should file for contested divorce under the ground of cruelty. I would suggest you to go with mutual divorce because it's cost effective and ends up in maximum of six months. For more legal assistance I am just a call away.

    May 20, 2023
  • Advocate Yogesh Navmahalkar

    Jalna, Maharashtra
      19 Client Ratings

    1. Yes, You can File Dowry Demand Complain against husband and all in law's in women cell or in local police station of your City. 2. You can also File Maintenance and Domestic violence case in court through lawyer for financial support. 3. Issue him notice through lawyer to take you back and if he refused to take you back then File Restitution Case in court through lawyer.

    May 20, 2023
  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      65 Client Ratings

    Dear client, Yes, there is no limitation of number of years of marriage on filing 498a. However, that doesn't mean that a wife or her relative can a file 498a on the husband anytime they wish. As per CrPC 468, the limitation on filing of 498a is 3 years from the last alleged incident.

    May 19, 2023