Need To Emancipate From My Parents As A Major.

Asked in Family

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Expert's Answers(5)

  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      65 Client Ratings

    Dear client I am sorry to hear that but in this case you can go ahead and amicably resolve the situation however if it doesn't work out then you can send a legal notice to your parents saying that you need no more connection from them or else you can ask for restraining order from the court

    June 22, 2023
  • Advocate Yogesh Navmahalkar

    Jalna, Maharashtra
      19 Client Ratings

    As you are major then you live your life as per your wish

    June 22, 2023
  • Advocate Anurag Sharma

    New Delhi, Delhi
      1 Client Ratings

    You should have send a legal notice to your family as well as you can publish in a news paper for more details

    June 22, 2023
  • Advocate Kishan Dutt Kalaskar

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      184 Client Ratings

    Dear Sir/Madam, You have to get issue a legal notice followed by a Public notice published in the local newspapers saying that you have no links with your parents. If necessary you may send a copy of the said documents to the nearest police station saying that you are residing separately and voluntarily. Further, you can file suit for permanent injunction restraining your parents from interfering into your private life.

    June 22, 2023
  • Advocate Jitender Singh

    New Delhi, Delhi
      17 Client Ratings

    Since you have attained your age of majority then you have got full rights to take your own decisions and choose your own lifestyle according to which you want to live. You can always serve them a legal notice regarding your thoughts on emancipating from them and in that notice you can write not to contact your employer in any circumstances. For more legal assistance I am just a call away.

    June 22, 2023