Asked in Muslim Law Law
very simple you and your wife is Muslim so the law is applicable upon you is Shariyat law. the Indian law is not applicable upon you. if you file application under Indian law advocates of your wife will get Crush. you have only one remedy that you pronounce Talaq three times. pronounce of Talaq should be gap of 1 months.. you will get Talaq to her..
mutual divorce. ask ur wife to get divorce mutually.
go to near Khaji house they will given divorce copy and send to Haj House for issue divorce latter than File a case at City civil court or District civil court u can got divorce. Advocate High Court Andhra Pradesh And Telangana what's up only 7794099557.
uh may call any time ar whtsap me on that num....
in mohmeden law u can not file a divorce petition in court's
uh had to file a divorce petition on the basis of adultary ... Nd also for save urself from any false case imposed by her uh may need to send a written complaint to the police station give all details Nd all told that she threatened uh to file a false case against uh for more assistance uh may call at 9871417072
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