Seeking Advise In Case Of Guarantor For Immovable Property

Asked in Recovery

  • Rajesh Gawde

    Navi Mumbai

Expert's Answers(2)

  • Kishan Retired Judge ( Advocate)

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      184 Client Ratings

    Dear Sir, You may approach High Court where you can get some instant relief. Please give me rank after viewing my details. Please call me for further assistance.

    August 14, 2021
  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      66 Client Ratings

    Hi, There are some circumstances under which a contract of guarantee could be declared void and the guarantor is discharged from all his liabilities, Variance/alteration made in terms of the contract, Loss of security, Opening the fresh account in lieu of the old are some of the examples. When a creditor commits any act or fails to perform any act which impairs the surety’s right to have recourses against the principal debtor; or his guarantee is obtained by the means of misrepresentation or concealment concerning a material part of the transaction; the surety in those cases is discharged from all liabilities as such guarantee is invalid. Please rate my answer Thank You

    August 14, 2021