Asked in Wills or Trusts
Dear Sir, Yes, you may approach Sub-Registrar office and there is a provision to send officials of Sub-Registrar office to the Hospital for the execution of cancellation deed. Please mark “LIKE” if satisfied by my answer.
will can be cancel at any time it is not necessary that will should be registered he can again make a will in presence of witnesses with mentioning the facts of previous will
Dear Client, The register will can be cancel by registration of cancel deed in sub registrar office. The original will get cancel automatically. In case of any further advice please connect with me. Also review my profile and rank 5 star points to me.
It is difficult to cancel the will because he is in hospital suggest him to execute another registered Will when his health is improved. Because registered will can not be cancelled in a simple and ordinary way but only by registered Document. Please give me Rank Five and follow me after reviewing my resume and book a consultation for further discussion and explanation if required.
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