FMCG Distribution Business

Asked in Business

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Expert's Answers(4)

  • Kishan Retired Judge ( Advocate)

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      184 Client Ratings

    Dear Sir Get issue a legal notice and everything will be settled. Please give me RANK FIVE (5) if my answer satisfies you.

    September 17, 2020
  • Advocate Suneel Moudgil

    Panipat, Haryana
      40 Client Ratings

    you cannot bound them to continue the business, however, you can drag the matter for some time

    September 17, 2020
  • Advocate Abhimanyu Gurawalia

    Patli Hajipur, Haryana
      60 Client Ratings

    if the company is not interested in business with you then you can not pressurized them for the same it depends on the mutual consent of both the parties try to contact them and settle the matter

    September 17, 2020
  • Advocate J L Naagar

    Jalandhar, Punjab
      169 Client Ratings

    You may be having some records pertaining to assignment of agency, extension, diversion or any documents alike. You may make an endeavour for change of terms and conditions of the business You have been carrying. Enter into some effective negotiations and rescheduling the type of business. It will work. Because it is not a legal proposition, rahter it is a matter of mutual understanding and goodwill as well. Make an earnest endeavour you will succeed. Please give me Rank Five and follow me after reviewing my resume and book a consultation for further discussion and explanation if required.

    September 17, 2020