Distribution Of Property Of Grand Parents

Asked in Civil

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Expert's Answers(5)

  • Advocate Mohit Adarsh

    New Delhi, Delhi
      5 Client Ratings

    As per Hindu succession law, a Hindu person can claim his share only in case of ancestral property, as per your query you are third son of your father, who are third son of your grandfather. In that case you are legally entitled to claim your share and get the same property partitioned. For more information book your consultation.

    March 10, 2024
  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      65 Client Ratings

    Whether you have a claim on your grandparents' property depends on a few factors under Hindu Law: Ancestral Property: This refers to property inherited from male ancestors (father, grandfather, etc.) for four generations without division. If the property qualifies as ancestral, you (as the third child of the third son) would have a share. The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 grants daughters coparcenary rights too. Self-Acquired Property: If your grandparents acquired the property themselves (not inherited), it's considered self-acquired. In this case, your grandparents could have willed it to anyone they chose, including outside the family. Here's what you can do: Gather Information: Talk to your family elders and understand how the property was acquired (inherited or self-acquired). Review Documents: Look for property deeds, wills, or partition deeds (if any) to understand ownership and inheritance details.

    March 4, 2024
  • H K Chaturvedi, Advocate Supreme Court.

    Noida, Uttar Pradesh
      12 Client Ratings

    You may claim for your share in joint family property. For better advice, please consult a lawyer.

    February 19, 2024
  • Adv.Rajesh Kumar

    New Delhi, Delhi
      2 Client Ratings

    You can file partion suit for your share of property.

    February 19, 2024
  • Adv Mukul Kumar Singh

    Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
      4 Client Ratings

    You are free to approach us for seeking any kind of lawful help in this regard.

    February 19, 2024