Surety In Succession Certificate

Asked in Civil

  • Nilay Paliwal


Expert's Answers(3)

  • Advocate Sanjeev Jain

    Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh
      8 Client Ratings

    Dear Client If you will contact a lawyer personaly you will understood clear and easyly For further assistance please contact me Thank you

    March 7, 2022
  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      66 Client Ratings

    Dear client, The property cannot be sold in the future but the holder of the property can request the court for the withdrawal of the surety and proceed further. Also, the Time limit for getting the succession certificate takes 6-7 months till the Surety property cannot be sold. For more Queries, please contact. Thank you

    March 3, 2022
  • Kishan Retired Judge ( Advocate)

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      184 Client Ratings

    Dear Sir, My answers are as follows: 1. Will that court note on property papers will impact the sale of that property in the future. Will the owner of the property be able to sell it legally/ without hassles even with that court note on it. Ans: It cannot be sold without court note. 2. Till when this note be there on the property papers, i.e. is there any time limit for it. It being a civil case (succession certificate) with no other case claimant of the fixed deposits of the deceased. So not expecting any other claimant in future. Ans: You have to get succession certificate if not obtained. Please give me rank after viewing my details. Please call me for further assistance.

    March 2, 2022