Asked in Labour and Service
Send a legal notice if dispute is not settle then approach the Labour Commissioner who will help re-concile this matter with the company. If no solution is reached, the Commissioner will hand over the matter to the Court, whereby the employee can make an application to the Labour Court under Section 33 (C) of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
The most appropriate legal remedy for You is to first of all send a legal notice and if the dispute is not settled. File a complaint before the Labour Conciliation Officer and last of all approach the Labour Court. Yours is a normal case. You will succeed. For further quarries contact me.
you can send a legal notice and approach to labour court
You have to approach the labor inspector of your area under section 12 of Industrial Disputes Act or get issue a legal notice and approach labor court. You will succeed. Please give me Rank 5 and Review my Resume and Follow me if my answer satisfies you
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