Asked in Labour and Service
Dear Client, The requirement to serve a notice period when resigning from a job depends on the terms of your employment contract and the policies of the company. If your employment contract specifies a notice period, you are generally required to serve that notice period. Carefully review the clause in your employment contract regarding the notice period and the penalties if the notice period is not served. Your employer holding your original 10th Certificate is generally not legally permissible. Employers cannot retain original documents as collateral against fulfilling notice periods. Communicate clearly with your employer about your inability to manage both work and studies. If negotiation fails, submit a formal written resignation letter, clearly stating your reasons for leaving and requesting the return of your original documents. Keep a copy of this letter for your records. As a last resort, you may need to approach the labour court or tribunal. Consider approaching a lawyer if needed. Should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If it is mentioned in employment terms during signing of confirmation letter U hav to comply wid them. Look into financial /other needful advantages. Act as such.
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