Asked in Real estate
you can accept the agreement online and can give accept with the same mode there is another way that is by digital signature you can send agreement by posting with your signature
one option is that you take thumb device we make scetting in your laptop and we take your thumb if you live abroad long time then it use every time
Need to give a power of attorney to legal representative in India to act on your behalf.
you can issue a power of attorney in India and execute the rent agreement.
you can contact me or any other lawyer from the database of to take professional consultancy in drafting of the rental agreement. You can google the sample format but it is advisable to take help of a legal expert in the drafting/execution of the rental agreement to avoid legal complications,
Yours is a vague question, as in the wake of numerous amendments every state has its own, separate and independent working. Hence, it would be advisable to say anything without the proper knowledge and details of property and parties. Please give me Rank Five, Follow me after perusing my resume and contact me telephonically if further discussion and/or explanation is required.
Each state have their own Rent Act. Contact any Delhi based Advocate for your relief . Advocates know how to evict.
No clause of rental agreement safe guard your interest unless the tenant is honest. If he minds not to vacate then it is Hercules job to get him evicted in India as it is three tier trial system is prevailing. Please give me Rank 5 and Review my Resume and Follow me if my answer satisfies you
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