RTI Suchana Kaise Mangi Jati Hai

Asked in RTI



Expert's Answers(4)

  • Advocate Suneel Moudgil

    Panipat, Haryana
      40 Client Ratings

    1. RTI ke liye sambandhit vibhag mein aavedan patra fees sahit dena hota hai, 2. behtar hoga poori jankari ke liye ya to google karo ya fir kisi vakil se sampark karo

    October 2, 2020
  • Advocate Abhimanyu Gurawalia

    Patli Hajipur, Haryana
      60 Client Ratings

    it depends upon place to apply as in delhi it can be filed on line and in other places it is by post or by hand write it in simple way with details required

    October 2, 2020
  • Advocate Yogesh Navmahalkar

    Jalna, Maharashtra
      19 Client Ratings

    Dear client, You can file RTI petition through RPAD means registered post

    October 2, 2020
  • Advocate J L Naagar

    Jalandhar, Punjab
      169 Client Ratings

    Prepare a questionnaire for the required information first. Then locate the name and location of the office of the Officer appointed Under the Right To Information Act. Give complete and full details of the information required and the Officer who is in possession of the required Information. Attach the fee required to be paid with the Application with an undertaking that You are ready to bear the cost for expenses for supplying the required information on photostat etc. You also are required to give undertaking that it is not the information which pertains to the third party and is strictly related to your personal affairs. No department will supply if it is a third party's non disclosure Information. Only then the department will supply the information after due and proper authorisation not otherwise. I hope I have amply cleared the process. Please give me Rank Five and follow me after reviewing my resume and book a consultation for further discussion and explanation if required.

    October 2, 2020