Can Using A School Or College Name On T-shirts Cause Copyright Issue

Asked in Trademark and Copyright

  • Naveen


Expert's Answers(5)

  • Advocate S Srinivasa Prasad

    Hyderabad, Telangana

    It is not advisable to go ahead with your idea. It certainly infringe the trade mark rights if you use the same without the concerned owner.s permission. Further, you will be liable to face criminal prosecution. All said and done, after investing huge sum of money and releasing the T-Shirts in to market, if they question you, you will have to bear the loss of investment and also face criminal cases etc. Thus, in the above circumstances, it is advisable to take permission of the concerned owner of TM and proceed, and that, it gives an edge to you to sell your product saying that "You are Associated with ..........."

    August 5, 2020
  • Advocate Anshul Kulshrestha

    Noida, Uttar Pradesh
      9 Client Ratings

    Rather than risk making a copyright infringement shirt, T -Shirt you can seek permission from the copyright or trademark holder. You can send an email or write a letter that specifies exactly how you intend to use the logo. The original creator may grant you permission under a licensing agreement that requires you to pay a flat fee for use of the logo, or a percentage of every T-shirt you sell with that logo. Failure to pay the fee or percentage agreed upon, however, will result in you selling a copyright infringement T-shirt.

    August 4, 2020
  • Advocate J L Naagar

    Jalandhar, Punjab
      169 Client Ratings

    For you it would be better to contact the institutions directly, it would better for your business also, as if they enter into an agreement giving rights to you they will on the other hand will prove very instrumental in marketing your product under their own aeiges. Thus, this way would give augmentation to your concept.. Please give me Rank Five and follow me after reviewing my resume.

    August 3, 2020
  • Kishan Retired Judge ( Advocate)

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      184 Client Ratings

    Yes, your concept is Super. But educational institutions are greedy. They need commission on every piece you sell. Better approach then otherwise they file different type cases against you. Please give me Rank 5 and Review my Resume and Follow me if my answer satisfies you.

    August 3, 2020