Without Pay By Department

Asked in Arbitration

  • Sonu


Expert's Answers(6)

  • please check the By laws first.

    April 16, 2017
  • Forget about your salary. You are an officer of a disciplined service. Thank God they have allowed you to join back. Had I been your head I would have dismissed you. You have committed a grave misconduct. You may not be entitled for salary.

    April 16, 2017
  • Advocate Hitesh Mishra

    Jaipur, Rajasthan
      5 Client Ratings

    no any provision in dps .

    April 16, 2017
  • Advocate Siddharth Dev

    New Delhi, Delhi

    did you have medical leaves remaining at that time

    April 16, 2017
  • Dear Mr. Sonu, as per your version you were out of duty for all most 11 months without information, which is a very big issue. But there are some remedies available which can be avail only after having a discussion with you.

    April 16, 2017
  • Advocate Siddharth Dev

    New Delhi, Delhi

    kindly explain properly meaning thereby what is the connection between Delhi police act and your medical leaves... I could not understand regarding which department you are asking

    April 15, 2017