Asked in Domestic
Before making / taking any decision try and think from your parent's side as to why they are doing such thing. If you still feel that they are intruding into your privacy, you can take a call. Better talk to them and explain your feelings of insecurity etc. Before taking any extreme step viz., going to police, lodging complaint etc., better consult a counselor and seek his / her guidance for addressing your problem. It is not domestic violence, probably it is over protection / affection etc., from your parents towards you. Good Luck
as your major and you can take all your decision you can take help of women cell or police you can file a case against all of them
Don't lose heart. The time will take good turn and then tide will be in Your favour. Never think of suicide. Manage to reach the Free Legal Aid Office which is established in the Court Complex of Your City and meet the people there they will manage Free Legal Aid for you and will file a Petition seeking Relief and seeking Injunctions against Your parents. You can also claim Maintenance from your parents for your own welfare. Please give me Rank Five and follow me after reviewing my resume and book a consultation for further discussion and explanation if required.
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