Asked in Domestic
If his discharge will be dismissed then he will go to Hon'ble Higher Court and this litigation will continue for several years. Why you both not opt for mediation proceedings to settle this case amicably. Almost one decade is going to over. Better settle at this stage. You may ask for monetary relief to settle your case. You may get handsome amount in the form of alimony for parting your ways. Think with cool mind. Else you may continue fighting your case endlessly. In normal circumstances, discharge application is not allowed by the Hon’ble Court and you may get benefit of this.
Maam, Discharge of accused is depend on courts view, as per my view court will only discharge to your in law's except your husband because sufficient cause are against him.
Dear client, The husband cannot be discharged as long as you filed the complaint within the stipulated time period.
He cannot get be discharged. You have filed complaint within 7 years.
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