Asked in Litigation
Hi, If the will was found to be forged and consequently dismissed l, your mother has a claim to the property as she is a legal heir. The Court cannot force you to sell the property and if it is your mother’s lawful share of your grandmother’s property, you will not have to pay rent.
Dear Sir, There is one principle called pre-emption on the basis of which you can putforth your proposal to purchase shares of other co-parceners thus you can save the property. Please give me rank after viewing my details. Please call me for further assistance.
The facts narrated are intricate in itself and does not explain the exact position and status of the case. Better it would be if you reframe the questions with detailed facts and post it to enable us to reply effectively and meaningfully. Please give me Rank Five and follow me after reviewing my resume and book a consultation for further discussion and explanation if required.
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