Can I Change Land Use Of Operational School Into Residential Complex

Asked in Land use and zoning

  • Hem


Expert's Answers(2)

  • H K Chaturvedi, Advocate Supreme Court.

    Noida, Uttar Pradesh
      12 Client Ratings

    Dear Hem, If land owner is actual owner and land was not allotted for School then it will be easy to convert the use. Please check documents and approach respective Officer for change of use. Our Mumbai Lawyer can help you. Regards!

    August 6, 2023
  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      66 Client Ratings

    In India, land use changes are governed by the town planning and development authorities of the respective states or local municipalities. These authorities have their own zoning regulations, master plans, and development guidelines that dictate what type of land use is permitted in specific areas. In many cases, changing the land use from a school to residential use may be possible, but it will require obtaining approvals and permissions from the relevant authorities. The process can involve various steps, including application submissions, public notices, hearings, and possibly compliance with certain conditions. Before considering the purchase of an operational school for residential use, you should conduct thorough due diligence and seek legal advice to understand the specific zoning laws and regulations that apply to the property's location. Additionally, you should directly communicate with the town planning or development authorities to inquire about the feasibility and requirements for changing the land use. Keep in mind that land use regulations are subject to change, and it's essential to verify the current status and any recent updates or amendments to the local laws.

    July 21, 2023