Muslim Conversion And Forced Divorce

Asked in Muslim Law

  • Diptesh Ghosh


Expert's Answers(5)

  • soham sur

    Kolkata, West Bengal

    Yes file a writ of habeas corpus. Try to get duplicate copies of conversion certificate first and also your nikhahnama. Contact me on 8013021818

    June 9, 2023
  • H K Chaturvedi, Advocate Supreme Court.

    Noida, Uttar Pradesh
      12 Client Ratings

    Yes a writ petition is maintainable in Hon’ble High Court and if you have fear to your life in Kolkata then you may file in Supreme Court.

    May 23, 2023
  • Advocate Yogesh Navmahalkar

    Jalna, Maharashtra
      19 Client Ratings

    1. You can File section 97 Criminal Procedure code for wrongful confinement of your legal wedded wife from the hands of your in law's. 2. Issue her notice through lawyer to come back and if she refused to come back then File Restitution Case in court through lawyer.

    May 17, 2023
  • Suman & Associates

    New Delhi, Delhi

    Dear client in your situation you can take two steps one is you can file habeas coupus in high court writ where you are living and second u can file a complaint against her parents in your police station. Thanku

    May 16, 2023
  • Advocate Anik

    Bengaluru, Karnataka
      65 Client Ratings

    I'm sorry to hear that you and your wife are going through such a difficult situation. It's important to note that religious conversion should always be a personal choice, and it's not a good idea to convert just to appease someone else. In regards to your current situation, it's essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of your wife. If she is being locked in her room and is not free to make her own decisions, that is a severe issue that needs to be addressed immediately. It's essential to talk to your wife and understand her situation better. You can try to convince her to talk to her parents and make them understand that you both love each other and want to be together. If her parents are not willing to listen, then you may want to consider getting legal help. You can contact a lawyer who can guide you on what legal steps can be taken to ensure your wife's safety and help you get her back. If your wife is being held against her will, it's important to report this to the authorities as well. In any case, it's crucial to approach this situation with sensitivity, understanding, and respect for all parties involved. Seek support from your family and friends and do not hesitate to seek professional help if required. Father more you can also file a case of habeas Corpus for the high court of the Supreme Court of India in order to get your wife back

    May 16, 2023